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Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)

CIT Team

The Crisis Intervention Team works to encourage collaboration between behavioral health providers,
community partners, and law enforcement so that we can provide the best care for individuals who are experiencing a
behavioral health crisis. There are several programs that fall under our team’s umbrella:



A team of co-response therapists who respond to 911 calls that contain a behavioral health component to the emergency.
The co-response therapists respond alongside law enforcement officers to meet individuals in the
community and provide services as part of the public safety umbrella



Operating at Lewis Gale Medical Center the CITAC aims to provide those under an emergency custody
order with a therapeutic environment with specially trained law enforcement officers during their
evaluation period in the emergency department.



Trainings for local law enforcement and other community providers to provide 40 hours of training
centered around best techniques for working with an individual in a crisis situation.



We are working every day to improve access to care and ensure
that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.
Our team is here to help you!


If you or a loved one is experiencing a behavioral health crisis, Call 911
Explain the need and they can dispatch a co-response team of officers and clinicians to you!

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