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Suicide Prevention Council of Roanoke Valley hosts several campaigns throughout the year. Click below to learn more!

Youth Mental Health Awareness Month

Adolescence is a time of many challenges and opportunities for young people and they need a lot of support to navigate these early years. Poor mental health can affect many areas of a teen’s life. Now more than ever, our youth need guidance, support, and connections to help them take care of their mental health. Youth Mental Health Awareness Month is a way to promote mental health wellness for our youth throughout the community.

We are asking schools/groups to promote positive mental health messaging and resources to their youth. We are offering a group contest, ideas for activities, and resources that can be used to provide help for someone struggling.

How to Get Involved? 

  • Designate February as Youth Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Create and implement a mental health awareness activity
  • Incorporate the theme into activities: Break the Stigma
  • Follow SPCRV on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • Tag @SPCRV on any posts you make on social media

For more information on how your group can get involved check out the YMHAM Guide.


Contest Criteria

1. Must address the theme: ‘Break the Stigma’ #youthmentalhealthmatters.

2. Implement at least one mental health awareness activity (see guide for ideas) in the month of February.

3. Participating groups must be from Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Salem City, Craig County, and/or Botetourt County. Open to any group of youth.

4. Must submit a brief report on activities in order to be entered into the prize drawing. Report forms will be sent to groups after registration and

are due by 5 pm on 3/7/25.

Register Here:



For more information please contact :

Sheila Lythgoe or
540-982-1427 ext. 2328

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month to highlight the importance of mental wellness. It is a time to raise awareness of those living with mental or behavioral health issues and to help reduce the stigma so many experience.

Please join us in increasing awareness and understanding of mental health, learning steps to take for oneself or a loved one to get help, and making it ok to talk about mental health!


  • Check up on your Mental Health (MH): take an online screening and connect to resources.
  • Participate in a training to learn ways to help yourself and others.
  • MH Month is a perfect time to start a conversation about mental health!
  • Share @SPCRV posts on your social media.
  • Share what you do to take care of your mental health.
  • Participate in self-care to promote mental health wellness.

Sign up for a FREE training here

Talk Saves Lives: 5/11/22 7-8pm thru Zoom
SafeTALK: 5/24 1:00pm-4:30pm In Person


Check up on your mental health by taking a quick screening at or or complete The Be There Certificate, it is a free, self-paced learning experience designed to increase mental health literacy and provide you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to safely support anyone who may be struggling with their mental health.

If you participate in a trainings or take a MH screening/certification you name goes into a drawing for some cool prizes!
Once you do the screening, go here to to verify that you took it and enter the drawing.
To be eligible for prizes you must be a resident of the Roanoke Valley (Roanoke and Salem Cities, Counties of Roanoke, Craig, or Botetourt

$50 Amazon Gift Cards
Observation Time with Horses (50 Minutes) from Healing Strides
Tote Bag from The Wild Way
4-Class Pack from Uttara Yoga Studio
5 class pack and 5 potions ($140 value) from Hustle Haven
$40 gift card to Sweet Donkey Coffee House

Suicide Prevention Month

September is an important time to help spread prevention awareness about suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 10 to 34-year-olds and it is estimated that over 48,000 Americans died by suicide in 2019. Prevention efforts for the month focus on prevention, warning signs, and strive to reduce the stigma associated with suicide.

Please join us in raising awareness about suicide and learning ways to help PREVENT suicide. We can all make a difference! Take a training to learn more about what you can do.

Sign up for a FREE training HERE

Talk Saves Lives – 9/5/24 11am-12noon (zoom)

              safeTALK – 9/6/24 12:30pm-3:30pm (in person – 2720 Liberty Rd NW)

              Youth Mental Health First Aid – 9/12/24 9am-3pm (zoom) 2 hours of pre-work required before attending

              Adult Mental Health First Aid – 9/17/24 8:30am-3:30pm (zoom) 2 hours of pre-work required before attending

              You can also sign up to bring a training to your group/organization!

Like us on Facebook and Instagram @spcrv for updates

Calling all Roanoke Valley Youth!! This Suicide Prevention Month, SPCRV is holding a sticker contest. Come showcase your talent! $50 each to Three Winning Entries!

              Entry Rules:

1. Must include a positive mental health message.
2. Must include 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline or the Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
3. Must be a youth in Roanoke or Salem City or Roanoke, Craig, or Botetourt County.
4. Must produce entry on your own. Judging is based on quality of artwork, originality, creativity, and neatness.
5. Must submit entry as a scan, jpg file, or png file.
6. Group and individual submissions accepted.
7. Submit by 11:59pm on 9/30/24. (Late entries will not be accepted).

Submit Entries HERE

For more information or if you are having any issues with submissions, reach out to Sheila Lythgoe: or 540-982-1427 ext. 5117

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